Unlock the secrets of HVAC excellence with Central Cooling & Heating’s ‘HVAC’ category. Dive into a wealth of knowledge covering heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems. From maintenance tips to energy-efficient solutions, explore expert insights that elevate your HVAC experience. Trust Central Cooling & Heating for reliable information on the latest technologies, industry trends, and personalized advice for your home or business. Discover the perfect balance of comfort and efficiency with our comprehensive ‘HVAC’ resources.

The Best Thermostat

When you wake up in the morning the bedroom seems to be freezing cold. When you’re leaving for work the hallway seems to be an inviting pathway of warm breeze. The living room is chilly in the evening…but when you go to bed you rip the covers off like it’s the middle of the summer.

The Best Thermostat Read More »

Be careful about who you invite into your home.

At one time or another, all of us have invited service workers into our homes and, perhaps, hoped for the best. Whether we need to repair our plumbing, clean our carpets or service a dishwasher, it’s sometimes necessary that homeowners take a leap of faith on these visitors’ expertise and trustworthiness. But what if that

Be careful about who you invite into your home. Read More »

Outdoor Furniture

Some Ideas for Smart and Safe Concealment of Outdoor A/C Units

You already know: a “complete home” is balance of comfort, practicality, and aesthetic appeal. This is as true for your home’s heating, cooling and air quality system as it is for your furnishings and decor. Coordinating the efficiency, price, and place within your home for an HVAC system is a delicate and sometimes tedious process.

Some Ideas for Smart and Safe Concealment of Outdoor A/C Units Read More »

Carrier Unit

What’s the best heating choice for your home?

Consumers Digest named three Carrier® products as “Best Buys”…and it just so happens that these are three products we often recommend to our customers. Consumer Digest’s three “Best Buys” were: Carrier’s Infinity 20 SEER heat pump Carrier’s Infinity 16 SEER air conditioner/heat pump Carrier’s Infinity variable-speed gas furnace The Carrier Infinity 20 variable speed heat pump with

What’s the best heating choice for your home? Read More »

Replace or Repair

Replace or Repair?

The upcoming winter can be a burdensome load for your home’s heating system. Is yours up to the task? For a homeowner who doesn’t happen to work in our industry, it can be hard to tell if their system is running efficiently — or headed for an inopportune breakdown. Our customers constantly ask us: “Should

Replace or Repair? Read More »

Vast landscape outdoors

A Win-Win Situation: Decrease Your Energy Costs AND Your Carbon Footprint

Energy costs are on everyone’s mind these days. Gas, oil and electric utility bills can be a heavy burden to bear — but not an unavoidable one! The staff at Central Cooling & Heating can offer real energy saving solutions, such as: replacing your existing system with higher-efficiency equipment installing systems that employ greener and renewable

A Win-Win Situation: Decrease Your Energy Costs AND Your Carbon Footprint Read More »